
I feel like throwing up.

Twelve days after my last update, absolutely nothing exiting has occurred. Except this

Also, I have to go to a Banana Republic interview in 30 minutes. I'm not being optimistic, just because today I don't feel like it. Who knows if I will get the job.
Students on Saving.... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
The interview was alright, I have a second one on monday, then I will know...dun dun dun.... I still feel gross.
*I'm actually optimistic.*


  1. Finally you post an update w00000!!

    BTW I want some baconaise. It looks absolutely delectable.

  2. you get a job
    you get a job
    you get a job
    you get a job

  3. oh you failed me you got a job!or close to one...yay congrats =)
